Margaret Rose

Title: Hexagon Project

Medium: Digital composition scanned from artworks on paper

Date: 2022

Price Archival Digital Prints available, starting from 18x8 inches, $85

Artist Statement: The shapes in “Hexagon Project'' are fragments of art pieces connecting over 40 years of my work into a type of retrospective. My goal is to excavate common threads of style, media and subject as well as the substance of ideas and visual stories over time. Even though I’ve worked in a wide range of media, each hexagon is made into a digital image from a two-dimensional work on paper that shows the hand of the artist. I’ve limited my selection to this type of media for this project for the sake of unity and because at some point, I plan to cut the ‘original’ artworks into 8 inch hexagons and assemble them into a wall installation.


Margaret Rose - Caryatids, Carriers of Light


Margaret Rose - Cosmic Interbeing 1